Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This Blessed House

This Blessed House shares the relationship between Sanjeev and Twinkle a couple married for a short time, and their conflicts. The couple truly relates to the saying "opposites attract." They have only known each other for 5 months and during this time I feel they are now noticing their differences. As they move into a "blessed house," Twinkle finds many religious objects and feels great importance from them. The religious objects seem to suite Twinkle's personality. Twinkle's personality is looked upon as being free-spirited as her husband is worried about what other's will think, especially when concerning the "Virgin Mary" statue. Sanjeev is a very picky man and shows a little bit of obsessive compulsive disorder in the way he always cleans up ashes off the floor from Twinkle's cigarettes. The couple show their differences towards each other, but with different personalities sometimes the saying "opposites attract" is true.

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